In March of 2003, Jim was invited by Bob Taylor of Taylor Guitars to take a three day trip to the Yuma Desert to ride “sport quads” in the many miles of sand dunes. Having no experience at this sort of thing, Jim was a bit like a “fish out of water” to start, but with a little help, he soon had the hang of it. Here are some of the pictorial highlights from the trip.
Before heading to the desert, Jim spent the evening at Bob's "beach house"
Bob's house sits out on a point so you can view the ocean from three views.
In the morning after loading up the motor home it was off to the desert
Upon arrival it was set up camp and gas up the "Quads"
A few of the "quads" and oh ya... Bob's Hummer.
Here's a picture of the guys. Steve McMinn from Pacific Rim Tonewoods as well as a group from Taylor Guitars were there to tear up the dunes!
This picture should give you an idea of the size of some of the dunes
Jim is getting a little bolder as he kicks up some sand
A little re-grouping and pep talk before heading out for some more adventure